Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial roots surgically placed into the upper or lower jawbone.
You may choose dental implants if:

  • You hide your smile because of missing teeth
  • You are not happy with the appearance of existing prosthesis e.g. denture or bridge
  • You do not have or do not want other teeth to anchor a bridge restoration
  • You are experiencing decreased chewing efficiency/capability
  • You do not want bone loss and gum recession
  • You want to prevent shifting and over eruption of neighbouring teeth

People may choose implants to replace a single tooth, more than one tooth, or to support a full set of dentures.

Dental implants are made of titanium (a strong, lightweight metal). Our dentists are experts at placing dental implants, making them a very common and popular option for our patients.

Benefits of dental Implants

Implants offer firm support to natural teeth and have many benefits, including these:

  • Implants won’t slip or shift in your mouth. This is very important for optimal functioning.
  • Implants feel more natural than removable partial or conventional complete dentures because of their secure fit
  • Implants help to preserve the bone after teeth are lost or removed
  • Implants are a good value. They may seem like a more expensive option at first, but they can last a lifetime if you take good care of them.

Types of Dental Implants

  • Single Tooth Implant A single tooth implant is a stand-alone unit and doesn’t involve treating the teeth next to it
  • Implant-supported Bridge this option allows you to replacemultiple adjacent teeth
  • Implant-supported Denture This will stabilise the denture for healthy smile and chewing.

Steps of placing an implant

Length of treatment will depend on your individual case. Discuss with our dentist which type of implant is best for you. Then, we can create a comprehensive treatment plan for you.

Implant placement usually involves 3 main steps:

1:Placing the implant

Your dentist will use x-rays (Cone beam CT) to carefully find where the implant should be placed. Then they surgically place the implant into your bone, this will serve as the new root for your permanent tooth replacement. Our dentist may recommend/prescribe medication to make you more comfortable. During the healing process, your dentist may tell you to eat soft foods.

2:Healing process may take several months

The reason an implant is so strong is because the bone grows around it and holds it in place. This process takes time. After the healing process, an appropriate abutment will be placed onto the fixture. This will support your new crown. Some patients might need to wait up to several months until the implant is completely integrated before replacement teeth can be attached to it. Some suitable patients can have implants and temporary teeth placed all in one visit.

3:Placement of the replacement tooth or teeth

For a single tooth implant, our dentist makes a new tooth that is customized for you, called a dental crown. It is designed to look just like your other teeth. For multiple missing teeth, implant-supported bridges and dentures are also custom-made to look like your natural teeth and to fit your mouth. The replacement teeth are attached to the abutment and implant body.

Replacement teeth usually take some time to make. In the meantime, our dentist may give you a temporary crown, bridge or denture. This will help you eat and speak as comfortably as possible until your permanent replacement teeth are ready.


Digital Dental Implant

While digital and traditional implants offer the same benefits, digital implants are flapless, which means they do not require opening the flaps of the gum. This is a keyhole method where small holes are drilled through the gum and into the bone using customised surgical guides. These guides have metal stoppers that precisely match the surgical drills ensuring depth control and correct angulation of the implant placement. Flapless implant surgery is only suitable for patients with sufficient bone and adequate bone quality. The use of patient’s CT images to digitally plan and simulate surgery means:

  • Shorter surgery time in-chair
  • Minimally invasive procedure and faster healing
  • Greater accuracy in avoiding possibility of nerve injury

Our dentists will carefully plan the entire surgery from the diameter and length of implant, angulation and type of final restoration customised to patients individual case.

Talk to one of our dentists today and see if dental implants are right for you! For limited time only, we are offering FREE implant consultations.

CALL US NOW AT 02 9874 5101

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